Each academic year, 十大外围app举办娱乐和活动系列, which consists of a broad range of comedic, musical and theatrical performances, 参观艺术家和其他社区活动肯定会满足该地区对娱乐和文化的渴望.
Most of the events take place at the La-Z-Boy Center, Meyer Theater, the college’s state-of-the-art, 550-seat performing arts venue, while others are hosted in other facilities across campus.
The La-Z-Boy Center & Meyer Theater
MCCC’s 52,000平方英尺的La-Z-Boy中心为学生和社区提供了令人兴奋的机会,并且足够灵活,可以满足三个同等重要的需求-文化艺术节目, customized training for business and industry, and unparalleled space for community activities and conferences.
By virtue of its technical attributes and scaled size, 位于La-Z-Boy中心的575个座位的迈耶剧院允许各种各样的表演-从喜剧到音乐到戏剧等等-需要高端照明, sound production, set design and staging.
Through partnerships with educational, cultural, civic and governmental entities over the years, 该设施已成为门罗县及其他地区的教育和文化目的地.
La-Z-Boy中心以提供多样化的艺术和娱乐选择而自豪. 并不是所有的作品都能吸引每个人或所有年龄段的人. Therefore, 我们鼓励观众熟悉我们提供的演出,以便在购票前做出明智的决定.
Tickets may be purchased at the door, if available. All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. 如果你已经买了票,不能去看演出, 我们可能会推荐对您的门票感兴趣的慈善机构或个人. 无论是亲自、电话、邮件还是互联网订购,都要仔细检查你的票. Please check the event, time and date. Call the Box Office at (734) 384-4231 as soon as possible if there is a discrepancy.
Please call the Cashier’s Office at (734) 384-4231.
Groups of 15 or more, seniors, MCCC的员工和学生在活动当天在MCCC的出纳处购买门票,每张门票可以获得2美元的折扣. Discounts will not be given the day of the performance. Tickets are based on availability, so make your plans early.
我们建议您在演出开始前半小时到达La-Z-Boy中心领取门票. Because a large number of patrons utilize the will call service, 早到将有助于确保你在演出开始前就座. 演出暂停时,迟到者将由演出管理部门酌情安排就座.
我们的政策是在开演前半小时开放. 排练迟到、音响/灯光检查或其他问题可能会延迟开幕.
梅耶剧院在演出开始前大约一个半小时开放座位. 我们要求迟到的人只在适当的时间间隔就座-根据每个表演团体的规定-所以请计划准时到达. 这意味着,如果你迟到了,你可能会被要求在大厅等候,然后才入座. 为了您的安全,演出结束后请留在座位上,直到灯光亮起.
La-Z-Boy中心为残疾顾客指定了固定数量的座位. These seats are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. One week prior to an event (or if an event is sold-out), 为残障人士预留的未售出的座位将公开发售. 在购票时,对这些座位的特殊需求的通知是至关重要的. La-Z-Boy中心将向每位残疾乘客出售至少一个伴座. 额外座位的销售将视情况而定. La-Z-Boy中心的目的是满足或超过残疾人的特定标准要求.
我们为顾客提供最先进的红外音响系统. Hearing devices are available at the Ticket Office.
为了避免打断,并作为对表演者和其他观众的礼貌, the use of recording devices, 影院内禁止使用手机(包括短信)和语音寻呼机. 请务必在演出开始前关闭这些设备.
The camera policy will vary from show to show. 虽然La-Z-Boy中心没有禁止拍照的规定,但很多艺术家都有. When an artist requests a “no camera” policy, 我们的工作人员必须代表艺术家礼貌地执行这一规定. When in doubt, call the Event Office prior to the performance, or ask the house manager on the evening of the event.
The use of video or sound recording devices is prohibited.
Smoking and all tobacco products, as well as e-cigarettes and other devices that simulate smoking, are prohibited on all college grounds.
在整个演出过程中,孩子们应该能够安静地坐着. 除非另有说明,所有参加活动的人,无论年龄大小,都必须持有门票.
Snacks and beverages are available at most performances. 但是,咖啡、啤酒、葡萄酒和汽水必须在大厅或贵宾区饮用.
In conjunction with one of our events, 20人或以上的团体可以利用La-Z-Boy中心内美丽的空间,在我们的一个接待区举行聚会. From a simple reception to a complete dinner, 让我们帮助您提供一个您的团队不会很快忘记的事件.
在La-Z-Boy中心北侧的Lot #2有大量免费停车位, and in Lot #7 at the Campus’ South entrance. Disabled parking is available directly in front of the building.
紧急情况应立即报告给La-Z-Boy中心的工作人员, including ticket takers, ushers, the house manager, the technical director, or security personnel.